On this page you will find:
Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge
Energy Merit Badge
Space Exploration Merit Badge
Citizenship in the Nation merit badge
This video covers about 70% of requirements but please check for other requirements that include watching the news for 5 days, visiting a national monument, and a writing to a representative of Congress.
When you are done with everything contact Mr. McColl at or text to 619-261-4723 to set up an appointment. (We will schedule to comply with YTP requirements.)
Energy Merit badge
Watch the Energy Merit Badge video with Mr. McColl below.
Complete other activities in the workbook. When you are done with everything contact Mr. McColl at or text to 619-261-4723 to set up an appointment. (We will schedule to comply with YTP requirements.)
Watch the Space Exploration Video below.
Watch one of the following 3 movies on Netflix or Amazon prime and complete worksheet.
Apollo 13 (PG for drama) Get the worksheet.
The Martian (PG for drama) Get the worksheet.
The Privileged Planet (G rating) Get the worksheet.
Complete other activities in the workbook. When you are done with everything contact Mr. McColl at or text to 619-261-4723 to set up an appointment. (We will schedule to comply with YTP requirements.)
Other short video clips to watch.
The Right Stuff: “We Want a Window”
John F. Kennedy Moon Speech